Monday, August 29, 2011

Robotics Task One - 100+ word post

Robots, Robots, Robots! Find out about a robotic first and write about it here. Try to find an innovation that will WOW me! For example, you might tell me about the first robot to perform surgery, the first robot to drive a car, etc. Be sure you include the date it was invented, who the inventor was, which country it was invented in, and what tasks it could perform. Your post must be at least 100 words in length. You should also cite your source by either telling me which print source you used or by copying and pasting the url in your post. Have fun! I am looking forward to being WOWED! Your post must be 100 words or more. Include your first name and grade after the post. Your assignment is due on September 8th.


Mrs. Waterbury said...

The first robot to guard a school and keep out unwanted intruders was developed in Korea in 2007. A robotics firm invented it. Its purpose is to make sure students and staff are safe. It has tasers, which can be used to stun an intruder. The robot is programmed to give two verbal warnings if it feels there is a suspicious person entering the building. It also has sensors that can detect perspiration and heart rate. In addition, it has X-ray vision to detect weapons. It is being piloted in one school system this year. If it is successful, it will be used in all Korean schools next year.

Anonymous said...

The first robot babysitter was made in Japan by Tmsuk. Made March 25th 2008. It was made for busy parents so they can drop their kids off at a store[where it babysitted].The robot is smart enough to figure out children's names with a special tag they wear. It is a yellow and white robot. It is 1.4 meters tall. It can play with the little kids. The person that made it is hoping to make one even better. I really thought that this would wow you, that is why I did this one. I hope I can find more about the robot babysitter[to bad it was made in Japan].


Anonymous said...

The First Robot Teacher Was Invented by…you guessed it! JAPAN!
By Mrs. W Grade 5

It has taken over 15 years to develop her, but professor Hiroshi Kobayashi has developed the first robot who can teach school children. She was first used in a classroom of 5th and 6th graders in the spring of 2009. Her name is Saya, and before becoming a teacher she was a robotic receptionist.
In May of 2009, Saya was able to teach a lesson on science and technology to students at Kudan Elementary School in Tokyo. She has brown hair, and is dressed in a pale blouse and skirt. She really looks like a human being. In addition, she can react to her students showing surprise, fear, disgust, anger, happiness and sadness (the six basic emotions).
Saya’s creator thinks that she may be very valuable to schools who can’t hire enough human teachers. Many human teachers don’t want to live in the country, away from all of the interesting things you can do in a big city like Tokyo. Saya could help those schools who need teachers that can teach about technology. “Many of the rural schools don’t have teachers like that,” said Kobayashi.
As for me, I’m not so sure a robotic teacher would be the way to go. They don’t have the life experiences that humans do. Those experiences help them to deal with discipline problems, students who have allergic reations to foods or medicines, etc.

Anonymous said...

By Andrew R.

On August 2nd, 2011 a robot at the price of 2.1 million dollars made its first appearance at the Dongguan’s Science & Technology. This robot can fry eggs and solve a Rubik’s cube in less than 20 seconds!!! It was invented by Mr. Liu. The only thing this robot can’t do is clean utensils, which is done by staff regularly. The eggs that it makes are safe to eat because the robots hands are made of stainless steel. It is as tall as a human and its arms are flexible and made of stainless steel. It wasn’t made in Japan!!! It was actually made in China.

Anonymous said...

There Is A New Ocean Vehicle Out There. Look Out!
By Ethan
Hello, I am doing a project on the Wave Glider Ocean Vehicle that I hope will wow my teacher. The Wave Glider is a surfboard-like marine vehicle that collects data from the ocean and is not operated by remote controls. This vehicle was made in the United States in California in 2008 by scientists from Liquid Robotics, INC. It has traveled in the Big Islands of Hawaii, the West coast of North America from Canada to Mexico, and crossed the Pacific Ocean from Hawaii to San Diego and collected data. The Wave Glider has many different parts it has a float, the part you see then under the water.It is a cable that connects to a glider that has fins, The Glider is the part that picks up the data, The float is the part that moves the whole thing; It propels itself with the waves. I hope this wowed you Mrs. W!

Anonymous said...

CaMEL Gun-Bot
By Logan L

Northrop’s heavy-duty hauler vehicle CaMEL is a very successful invention. CaMEL stands for Carry-all Mechanized Equipment Landrover. It’s a 60 inch tall vehicle with strong treads can carry 12 hundred pounds of equipment and weapons. CaMEL’s usefulness in the field is proven by its popularity. It is so popular that the US army is even considering its possibilities. But Northrop has decided it would look much cooler with a massive .50 caliber M2 machine gun mounted on top of it. The CaMEL was engineered by a group of Northrop’s best scientists. The CaMEL uses a hybrid engine just like its less violent hauling brother the Toyota Prius. It was made in 2010 in the United States.

First Unmanned Hover Drone

Excalibur is an unmanned robotic hover drone made by the Aurora Flight Sciences Corporation. Its first test flight launched on June 24, 2010 and was a complete success. It is powered by hybrid turbine-electric engine. It can land with the precision of a helicopter and fly at speed of a small plane. The UAS (Unmanned Ariel System) can carry and fire 4 Hellfire Missiles packing a 400 pound punch of explosives. The first flight had a perfect takeoff, a smooth flight, and a crisp landing.

Watson Wins Jeopardy!

Watson is a giant supercomputer that can fill up a whole room! Watson has a “brain” that uses nearly 3,000 computer processors which can perform various tasks at the same time. That is a unique ability that sets it apart from many other robots. It is a milestone in the field of artificial intelligence. The Watson program may turn out to be the largest advance in robotics history. It does not use just one method, but several methods to solve problems.

Anonymous said...

Sock Sorting Robot
By Jordan B

Hi! The robot I chose can sort and pair socks. The robot was really invented by a company called Willow Garage, and its name is PR2. In August of 2010, the owner of the company, Scott Hassan, challenged students to program the robot to do something “cool, funny or useful.” Five students from the University of California at Berkley did just that. They programmed a robot that can tell that the socks need to be turned inside out before putting “one neatly inside the other.”

The students who wrote the program were: Ping Chuan Wang, Stephen Miller, Mario Fritz, Trevor Darrell, and Pieter Abbeel. They won $5000 for their winning program. I really thought this robot would WOW you. This robot is autonomous, and while it is kind of slow, it does the job.

Anonymous said...

Hungry? Let a Robot Cook Your Dinner
By: Sedric B.

Hello! I found a robot that can cook almost all Chinese dishes. He was invented by Liu Xinyu from China in October 2006. The robot is named AIC. It stands for Artificial Intelligent Cooking. This robot will soon be used in house kitchens! One day there might be no more chefs. You can spend more than $250,000 on this kitchen master. It went on sale in 2007.He does not curse or get mad like some chefs could.

Anonymous said...

By D'marcus

I found an EOD Robot, aka Explosive Ordnance Disposal robot. They are used to go and find explosive devices during war and when there are bomb threats. Then, they take the bombs to safe areas so that they can be blown up without hurting anyone. Bullets have no effect on these robots. The robot can be thrown in a chopper or in the back of a truck with ease. They are mainly designed as a track vehicle (tracks for wheels) with a retractable arm, claw and camera, and are also capable of being armed with a Grenade launcher or other infantry

Anonymous said...

Andrew H.

On May 28th, 2010 the Segway RMP 400 (with water cannon) was made buy a group of scientists who worked at Segway Corporation. It was made in sweet America! Finally, a robot not made in Japan! The RMP 400 with water cannon was made so firefighters would not lose their lives. It can go into dangerous situations that are too explosive for humans. It can also follow and put out forest fires.

The RMP 400 water cannon can shoot 10 gal. of water per second! It also has a stretcher that can carry people to safety. It is roughly as wide as a curb and about as big as a beach ball. This thing is not light, however. It weighs about 240 pounds, and it can withstand up to 320 degrees F. I nicknamed it the Robo Firefighter.

Anonymous said...

By: Eric D
A Japanese robotics company called Tmsuk has a new creation called Artemis T63-The Robot Guard. The Artemis T63 will amazingly patrol a 5 story building and the report back the HQ base wirelessly. Though not capable of knowing if there are several intruders or not , it is still armed very well with non-lethal offensive weapons. Such as one special weapon which is a irregular fluid that is spayed at the intruders, it will temporally blind them for approximately 4-5 minutes. The development of Artemis T63 started in March 2002 as an R&D project. And in April of 2003 the first prototype of T62 another guard robot almost the same as Artemis T63.

Anonymous said...

By:Alex T.

This robot chef asks you what kind of food you would like and will make it for you. This robot is called Motoman SDA10 he was made in 2010 by a group of scientist in Japan. Motoman is about four feet tall and weighs 480 pounds and can work with humans in a kitchen if you would like it to. Motoman has revolving hands that can pick stuff up or flip it if it is a pancake or something like that. The Japan government wants to have these robots in every house by 2015 and is putting $35 million towards that goal.

They think it will help people eat healthy and better. In Japan they already have a few of these robots working for the elderly.
This robot comes in handy when you aren’t good at cooking or just want something healthy to eat and don’t know how to make it.

Anonymous said...

By Rose K.

The first robot that teaches autistic children was made by scientists in Stevenage, England in 2005 at a cost of about $2,118. Eden Sawczenco used to hold her hand up and turned stiff when other girls hugged her. Kasper, the robot, plays with Eden and teaches her. Now she hugs everyone! Eden goes to a school for autistic children. Each child gets up to 10 minutes with Kasper while a scientist operates the robot.

Kasper is made to do things like smile, frown, laugh, blink, and wave his arms. There are different types of Kasper including one smart enough to play Nintendo Wii. Kasper can say “Hello, my name is Kasper. Let’s play together.” He can also laugh when his sides or feet get tickled.

Anonymous said...

By: Rachel D.
On May 17th, 2008, Dr. Garnette Sutherland lead his doctors into the first brain surgery done by a robot. This robot, called the NeuroArm, can move as little as 50 microns. Surgical tools acted as hands to remove an egg-shaped tumor. They did a nine-hour surgery to get it out.

The doctor can control the robot with remote controls. There is also a screen so he can see what he is doing. “The breakthrough (of robotic technology) is happening; it’s evolving and will continue to evolve,” he said. Paige Nickason, the patient, was one of the first people to have surgery done by a robot, and she was home in two days!

Anonymous said...

By Amanda W
Professor Atsuo Takanishi invented the first ever flute playing robot in the world on July 16, 2008 in Tokyo. He wants to make a robot orchestra. He spent lots of years perfecting it, but he thinks it will be easier since he made the hardest instrument first.

This robot actually breathes and has an artificial tongue and lips made of rubber. It has cameras for eyes and can move its arms. It also has fingers that can open and close. These “body parts” can move to up to 41 degrees.

To make the robot play, Takanishi first had to find the best flute sounds. Then he had to program the robot to play those sounds. It sounds like a lot of hard work, but it paid off because now the robot can play “The Flight of the Bumble Bee”` with no mistakes.

Anonymous said...

The First Robot Firefighter
By Jacob A.

The first robot firefighter was used in Germany’s black forest. It has working leg joints that quietly click. It’s name is OLE, and it is a St. Bernard-sized bug that fights fires. It guards the forest and keeps it from burning down. OLE stands for Off-road Loescheinheit Extinguishing apparatus. This robot is equipped with tanks of water and powdered fire extinguishing agents. It was designed by Professor Ulrich Wohlgemuth, along with a biologist and robot-systems manager named Oliver Lange, their students, and the members of the design Transluszent. Although the battery life and the obstacles in the forest would limit its range, it may be designed for other purposes. It costs $125,000-$200,000 and weighs 150-200 pounds. It can withstand temperatures’ of 1,850 degrees farenhieght, and it can go 20 to 30 km per hour which is 6 to 12 mph.

Anonymous said...

Have you ever wished you could have a new helper that you don’t have to pay?

By: Sierra R

Hitachi’s new robot designed in 2007 to run errands wasn’t prepared to be unable to communicate with its designer’s laptop for the first time out of ten. Still the little 31.5 inch tall twenty five pound robot was still able to keep going even after the incident. While EMIEW 2 was presenting his abilities, a reporter asked where someone was sitting. EMIEW 2 responded in a child like voice “I will take you there, follow me” Fourteen microphones were installed into the small little robot known as EMIEW 2. EMIEW 2 will someday work in an office building was required to run over a few safely obstacles on a floor, such as a mattress, or electric cables. EMIEW 2 uses lithium batteries which can go over an hour before needing to be charged. EMIEW 2 could be a receptionist, tour guide or a guard. Its fastest is 3.5 miles an hour, about the speed of a human built. The name EMIEW 2 sounds like Australia’s flightless bird the Emu. It is short for excellent, mobility, interactive, existence and workmate. Hitachi has not yet announced plans to commercialize EMIEW

Anonymous said...

Need a maid?? Have a robot do it
By Sam T

The future includes maids that are robots!! Scientists create a robot that can clean, puts clothes away and washes them, heats food, but doesn’t do it that fast.
The robot maid is four feet tall and weighs one hundred twenty-two pounds. The male robot in this picture’s name is Mahru-Z. He has a body like a human cause he has arms, legs, head, and six fingers and yet all of them can rotate. It can see objects that are three dimensional and can recognize people and jobs that are not done. It picks up dirty shirts then throws it in a washing machine and can push the buttons to get done with laundry. The engineers who made it at the Korea Institute of Science and Technology also known as KIST.

Anonymous said...

Tired of taking out the trash?
Let a robot do it for you!
By: Carley S

A robot called Dustcart will come to your house and pick up your trash when you call it! It is made to get through the narrow streets in Italy where a garbage truck can’t fit. Dustcart can see obstacles in his path with cameras and sensors in his eyes.
The Dustcart gets rid of the need for a pick up route. With Dustcarts out on the street, your garbage wouldn't be sitting in your driveway all day.
Dustcart is about the size of a person. It is mounted on a Segway base. It is an E.U. funded project. It uses GPS navigation to pick its routes.
Dustcart is monitored via CCTV that streams to a human control center. The staff steps in if there's an emergency, like if the technology is failing or if someone trying to steal the robot.
Researchers at the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna CRIM Lab in Pisa, Italy, developed Dustbot as a solution to the inconvenience of garbage trucks that come only at special times and places. dustcart video,news-7311.html dustcart pictures